アットドウス COO 就任のお知らせ(2022.5.1)
アットドウスの今後の事業展開に向けてアジア地域での共同開発・事業化は重要なミッションです。私のこれまでの経験・スキルを活かしてまいります。by COOデシパンデ
アットドウス COO 就任のお知らせ(2022.5.1)
アットドウスの今後の事業展開に向けてアジア地域での共同開発・事業化は重要なミッションです。私のこれまでの経験・スキルを活かしてまいります。by COOデシパンデ
Notice of Appointment of atDose’s COO (2022.5.1)
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Abhijit Deshpande as COO effective May 1, 2022 for further business growth.
Abhijit is originally from Pune, India and has lived in Tokyo for over 20 years and has many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and has background in IT.
Joint development and commercialization in Asia is an important mission for the future business development of atDose. I will strive to make most of my past experience and skills for this purpose. by Abhijit, atDose COO.