
城西大学薬学部との共同研究論文が”Frontiers in Drug Delivery”に掲載されました。(2023.04.04)

城西大学薬学部との共同研究論文が”Frontiers in Drug Delivery”に掲載されました。(2023.04.04)

アットドウス株式会社は、開発中の超微量・局所投薬デバイス「アットドウス・コア」を使用した城西大学薬学部とアットドウスの共同研究論文が、2023年4月にドラッグデリバリーシステム専門の学術誌”Frontiers in Drug Delivery”に掲載されたことをお知らせ致します。


今回、”Frontiers in Drug Delivery”に掲載された論文のタイトルは、“Usefulness of direct intratumoral administration of doxorubicin hydrochloride with an electro-osmosis–assisted pump” で「電気浸透流ポンプ(以下、EOポンプ)によるドキソルビシン塩酸塩の腫瘍内直接投与の有用性」を意味します。アットドウスが開発中の超微量・局所投薬デバイス「アットドウス・コア」を用いて、癌の患部に局所に超微量の抗がん剤を投与した効果について研究したものです。






アットドウス株式会社 代表取締役 中村 秀剛


Joint research paper with Josai University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences has been published in “Frontiers in Drug Delivery”. (2023.04.04)

Joint research paper with Josai University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences has been published in “Frontiers in Drug Delivery”. (2023.04.04)

We are pleased to announce that a joint research paper by Josai University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and atDose using the “atDose Core”, an ultra small amount localized drug delivery device, has been published in “Frontiers in Drug Delivery”, a journal specializing in drug delivery systems, in April 2023.

For more information on the paper, please click on the link below.

The title of the article published in Frontiers in Drug Delivery is “Usefulness of direct intratumoral administration of doxorubicin hydrochloride with an electro-osmosis-assisted pump”. This is a study of the effectiveness of local administration of very small amounts of anticancer drugs to the affected area of cancer using the “atDose Core”, an ultra-small amount, topical dosing device by atDose.

In this study, the anticancer drug “doxorubicin hydrochloride” was administered to a model-rat of breast cancer. As a result, it was confirmed that locallzed and very small amounts administered using the EO pump reduced side effects while maintaining the efficacy of the anticancer drug in reducing tumor volume, compared to conventional systemic administration.

We have started a joint research with Professor Hiroaki Todo of the Department of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Josai University Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2019 on the effect of local administration on reducing the side effects of anticancer drugs. We will continue this research and continue to realise the launch of “atDose Core”.

Thanks to all parties collaborating on this study.
We also thank Frontiers officials for their assistance in peer review and publication.

Hidenori Nakamura
Founder & CEO of atDose Co., Ltd.
